Block the Bullies!

Cyberbullying is a big problem all around and on AJ. If a Jammer says something mean to you or one of your friends, there are a couple of good ways to handle it.

1.First, report the player by clicking the police button on their player card. Then, select a reason for why you’re reporting them. AJHQ will be sure to take care of it!
2.Then, you should block the player by clicking the red button on that player card. The block button will work by blocking anything the mean Jammer says to you, and don't give them the attention they want.
3.Once you reported and blocked the player, log off and tell a parent or an adult you trust. Just remember to stay safe on Animal Jam and online!
4.Never share your password with anyone! Not even you’re closest friend- they might steal all you’re stuff that you worked so hard for! If you want to share you’re password with anyone, then it should be a trusted adult.
5.Never agree to met anyone offline! They might not say who they really are. Plus, it's just a creepy stalker note, you all should know better. :)
NEVER EVER try to get personal info. This is unsafe, against the AJ rules, harmful to your life and safety, and really, really creepy.

I know you all are awesome Jammers and you won't scam (YOU BETTER NOT :P), but this rules can help you much more. All bullies are are people trying to act cool, and if you fight, react, or argue back, it'll only give them the attention they want to keep bullying.


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